This Week
Tuesday (3/11)
- Building & Grounds Meeting (5:00 PM)
Wednesday (3/12)
- JoAnna Circle Meeting (10:00 AM)
- Worship & Music Committee Meeting (4:30 PM)
- Choir Rehearsal (6:00 PM)
- The “Chosen” Viewing (7:00 PM)
Sunday (3/16)
- Worship Service (9:30 AM and on Facebook)
- Youth Sunday School (10:00 AM)
- Fellowship Time (10:45 AM)
- Talent Show and Dinner (4:00 PM)
- Adult Sunday School (6:00 PM)
Notes & Future Events
- Lent and Easter Services:
Maundy Thursday – Thursday, April 17 at 7:00 PM at Mullen Memorial Church
Good Friday – Friday, April 18 at Belpre Nazarene Church at 7:00 PM
Easter Sunrise Service – Sunday, April 20 at 7:00 AM at Fairview Memory Gardens
Easter Sunday Service – Sunday, April 20 at 9:30 AM at Pioneer Church
- “The Chosen” Viewing – Every Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM from March 12 through April 9.
- Belpre Area Ministries – Due to high demand and rising costs, BAM is is need of food donations and monetary donations. Food donations can be delivered to BAM on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 10:00 AM and 2:30 PM, or brought to the church. You can also donate money by check by placing it in the offering plate and note it is for BAM. For more information see our BAM page. Also, BAM is in need of bars of soap for their food pantry. Please bring donations to the church and leave them in Hasler Hall. Thank you for your support to this very worthwhile cause.
- Latrobe Street Mission – We are collecting new underwear for the residents at the mission. Donations can be placed in the container in the Narthex. Both men’s and women’s items are needed.
- Per Capita – This year’s per capita is $40 per member.